I’m using the Client_Side_Validations gem on my sign up form. It’s a mutli-tenant app using default_scope to set the tenant for applicable models.
There is no tenant set on the sign up page so I’m running into an issue where the gem includes the default_scope when running a uniqueness validation.
When the uniqueness validator runs on @user.email the default_scope prevents the validation from running properly (because company_id is nil) and therefore always looks like a unique result.
Started GET "/validators/uniqueness?case_sensitive=true& \
user%5Bemail%5D=me%2B40%40example.com&_=1423897339854" \
for at 2015-02-14 07:02:30 +0000
User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE \
"users"."company_id" IS NULL AND "users"."email" = 'me@example.com' LIMIT 1
When I remove the default_scope from my user model I get the correct result and proper validation:
Started GET "/validators/uniqueness?case_sensitive=true& \
user%5Bemail%5D=me%2B40%40example.com&_=1423897339854" \
for at 2015-02-14 07:02:30 +0000
User Exists (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE \
"users"."email" = 'me@example.com' LIMIT 1
I’m not sure if it’s intended behaviour or not. It seems to me that it shouldn’t use default_scope in a uniqueness validation.
What’s the most practical way for me to ignore the default_scope when this gem runs the email validator?
@weavermedia I would suggest this is an issue with the gem, I did some digging around and found a similar issue with mongoid. In a nutshell unscoped needed to be applied to the validation method when called and wasn’t previously.
I had a quick look through the client side validations gem this morning and couldn’t immediately identify the area for change sorry, I saw your ticket on the gh issues so will see if I can try and track the area down, but agree with the author that trying to pass in the scope may be useful.
Thanks for your input @Tom_Ridge, I’m looking through now to see if I can find where the query is built. My gem debugging skills are sadly lacking. This seems like a perfect opportunity to improve them.
I can’t figure out how to use scope: in the form. I don’t see any change in the query that is run, no matter whether I pass in a named scope defined on the model or an attribute of the model.
At least I’ve managed to rule out Devise involvement. I’m using this on a user but even when I test on a non-user model I get the same results.
My only idea is that unscoped should be included here:
# lib/client_side_validations/active_record/middleware.rb
8 def self.is_unique?(klass, attribute, value, params)
41 !klass.where(relation).exists?
42 end
# should this be > !klass.unscoped.where(relation).exists?
Unfortunately I don’t yet know how to hack a gem and try out my own version of it. I just spent an hour trying to fork, edit and install my own modification but to no avail. Something else to learn
@weavermedia So I had another dive into the source, and unfortunately came up a little empty, if you add a default scope of active: true to the user.rb test class, you’ll be able to replicate the same behaviour that you’re currently seeing.
Unfortunately I’m pretty rubbish with the arel aspects of the code in order to properly diagnose where to call unscoped or even if thats the right choice here. Hopefully someone else can help out
I should also add that the tests are a little flaky, when I add the default scope, it goes from either 5 tests failing to 3, intermittently.
So maybe I might turn this on it’s head a bit, why do you need a default scope?
Hey @Tom_Ridge, I use default_scope to restrict the data my customers see, based on a Comapny.current_id which is set in an around_filter in application_controller. It’s the method outlined by Ryan Bates in his Railscasts episode.
# application_controller.rb
around_filter :scope_current_company
def scope_current_company
Company.current_id = current_user.company_id if signed_in?
Company.current_id = nil
I chose this method over PostgreSQL schemas because (1) it was easier for me to implement at the time since I had just started using Rails and (2) I read a lot of talk about performance issues with PostgreSQL schema-based mutli-tenancy (which I have actually since discounted).
It’s working well for me and apart from scoping all find calls to the current company it also automatically sets the comapny_id for all new records too.
I have faced issues using this method when there’s no tenant set, i.e. on the landing page/sign up page and in the console, but on the whole I’ve solved most of those. Testing can be a little cumbersome at times but I’m working on smoothing that out.
@weavermedia did you manage to get the specs passing? Id love to take a look at the code if you don’t mind? Was scratching my head on how to TDD it last night.