Run Draper generator: rails generate decorator User, which creates app/decorators/user_decorator.rb and spec/decorators/user_decorator_spec.rb.
Move presentation specific view code to decorator.
Put h. in front of calls to helpers.
Remove references to the model in the decorator, as the method is
essentially on the model.
Call model.decorate to get a decorated instance of the model.
Draper Applicable Situations
Extension to model that only applies to views and presentation.
Calculations done in view using model object.
Code in view helper that is more closely aligned with the model.
Code is that seems relatively general as opposed to clearly useful in only
one view.
If method feels relatively generic for views, but specific for a given model,
then the decorator is a good place to put the method.
Draper Advantages
Relatively simple way to add functionality to the model that only applies to the
connection of the model to the view.
Can separate presentation specific code from the model.
Methods added to the model via the decorator have access to both view helper
methods as well as the model.
It’s super easy to automatically convert the retrieved model object into it’s
decorated instance, either manually or automatically, at the controller
Simple to find the decorator methods, such as using for verification in
feature specs.
Draper Disadvantages
Shares similar problems with concerns in that the model object is still
getting fatter.
If there’s multiple methods needed for some complex logic, that should be
broken into it’s own PORO.
The advantage of ease of adding more methods can also be a disadvantage in
that the Decorator can turn into a junk-drawer of loosely coupled methods.
The app I work on has definitely hit disadvantage 3! The few decorators that were added have become junk drawers that have attracted lots of unrelated methods. I don’t think that’s Draper’s fault really, it’s just very convenient to add yet another method to a decorator.