FactoryGirl - how to get the value of a block in an after(:create) callback

I have the feeling I’m not getting this at tall so I created this SO question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19103397/how-to-get-value-of-evaluator-in-a-factorygirl-factory but this might be a bit of a tricky one to figure out. Using it right now for both seeding and testing.

Any help (answered on SO) would be appreciated. Or even better - a more elegant solution.



Have you looked into what factory_girl calls sequences? I think that might help you here.

Also, it looks like you’re assuming that you can run arbitrary code within factory definitions (like if which_one < 10, which is throwing your error), but that’s not the case, as you’ve discovered. :smile:. In fact, you can only execute a few things as defined by factory_girl’s DSL.

Hmm… yeah, kinda figured that out. Is there a way that I can get the name of the location inside a factory definition or create a helper? Or does FG just not allow that?

@joshclayton Can you help?

@jon, attributes can refer to each other:

factory :user do
  sequence(:name) { |n| "Person #{n}" }
  email { "#{name.downcase.parameterize}@example.com" }

You can do the same with ignored attributes, so if name was an ignored attribute, you’d still be able to have email refer to it correctly.

In the case above, I think using a sequence is your best bet:

factory :location_asset, class: Asset do
  sequence(:asset) { |n| fixture_file_upload(Rails.root.to_s + "/db/seed-data/images/langers-deli/loc#{n}.jpg", 'image/jpg') }

Aside from sequencing assets, are you looking to do anything more complex like have the ability to override the sequence number? You have access to methods/attributes from within sequences:

factory :location_asset, class: Asset do
  ignore do
    custom_identifier nil

  sequence(:asset) { |n| fixture_file_upload(Rails.root.to_s + "/db/seed-data/images/langers-deli/loc#{custom_identifier || n}.jpg", 'image/jpg') }
build(:location_asset) # uses the normal increment
build(:location_asset, custom_identifier: 'aksdgkasdg') # uses the custom identifier

Let me know if you have any more questions and I’ll try to provide guidance!

thx @joshclayton let me look through this and see if anything comes up. thx again