Finding a link to click with capybara in feature spec

I’m having trouble getting capybara’s find method to locate what (I think) I know is on the page:

Spec snippet

 scenario "edits an existing entry" do
    visit "/manage"
    click_on 'View Featured Companies'
    expect(page).to have_content 'Featured Company'
    expect(page).to have_content 'Featured News Article'
    expect(page).to_not have_content "No Featured Companies"
    expect(page).to_not have_content 'Edit Featured Company'

I’ve also tried


and several other variations withe the same result or with a “Can’t find it” error message

HTML snippet from save_and_open_page

<a href="/manage/featured_companies/1/edit"><img alt="Icn_edit" src="/manage/images/icn_edit.png" title="Edit" /></a>
<a href="/manage/featured_companies/1" data-confirm="Are you sure? This is permanent." data-method="delete" rel="nofollow"><img alt="Icn_trash" src="/manage/images/icn_trash.png" title="Destroy" /></a>

RSpec failure message

  edits an existing entry (FAILED - 1)


  1) FeaturedCompanies edits an existing entry
     Failure/Error: save_and_open_page
       undefined method `-@' for #<Thread:0x00000004ac0428 sleep>
     # ./spec/features/edit_featured_companies_spec.rb:29:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Edit. I found this error; there was an extra ‘-’ on one line
OR this if I remove the save_and_open_page

  1) FeaturedCompanies edits an existing entry
     Failure/Error: find('td').find('a[href*="edit"]').click
       Unable to find css "a[href*=\"edit\"]"
     # ./spec/features/edit_featured_companies_spec.rb:30:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Edit. Have to use the following:

within('tablesorter') do    

Getting a “Can’t find it” error message was strange enough, but what is this thing about a ‘-@’ method mean?

I wouldn’t search by url. Capybara can search by link title. In your code you have title="Edit" which will do the job:

click_on 'Edit'

If you still need to be scoped by td you can even do

within('td') do
  click_on 'Edit'

Thanks, @rstankov; I also thought those would work, but

click_on 'Edit'


Unable to find link or button "Edit"




Unable to find css "a[title=\"Edit\"]"

Are you sure the element is present and visible? In the past I had problems with button who where hidden and capybara not finding them.

About as sure as I can be; I do a save_and_open_page just before the click_on or find and I see this:

Short news title
<a href="/manage/featured_companies/1/edit"><img alt="Icn_edit" src="/manage/images/icn_edit.png" title="Edit" /></a>
<a href="/manage/featured_companies/1" data-confirm="Are you sure? This is permanent." data-method="delete" rel="nofollow"><img alt="Icn_trash" src="/manage/images/icn_trash.png" title="Destroy" /></a>

Found the problem… The title=‘Edit’ is in the img tag inside the a tag; therefore I had to use

within('tablesorter') do    

to get the thing to work (‘tablesorter’ is the class of the table in which the edit link is defined). Note that


doesn’t work