Model design with nested data structures

Couldn’t think of a more descriptive title so let me just jump straight in. I run into this problem a lot, and I’m never quite sure about the best way to go about it.

Say I have the following API response:

    type: 'STY',
    title: 'My story title',
    summary: 'My story summary,
    site: {
        name: 'BBC News',
        code: 'news-v6'

This represents a story on the BBC News website, which we transform into a Story model. The same type of story can exist on the BBC Sport website for example, but it would have a site property of:

    site: {
        name: 'BBC Sport',
        code: 'sport-v6'

In order to grab the story’s site name, I could either create a method on Story (sorry, we use PHP):

class Story
    public function getSiteName()
        return $this->site['name']; 

If I want to grab more data out of site, I have to create more methods on Story: getSiteCode(), getSiteFoo(), etc. Alternatively, I could represent that piece of meta data in a Site object which would be accessible using a getSite() method on Story:

class Story
    public function getSite()
        return $this->site; // where $site has already been parsed into a Site object

class Site
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

The problem I have with this approach is that it breaks the law of demeter. If I want to get the site name of a Story, I’d have to do something like:


Does anyone else run into issues like this, and do you have a preferred way of handling it?


I use PHP a lot, and I’ve had the same thoughts as you, which is mostly getting discouraged by its syntax and OO implementation. Mainly this is an example of how PHP is a lot less elegant than ruby.

In this case, I think the better method might be to do a merge of your two ideas. In PHP it might look like this:

class Story
	public function getSiteName()
		return $this->site->getName();

	public function getSiteCode()
		return $this->site->getCode();
class Site
	public function getName()
	        return $this->name;

	public function getCode()
		return $this->code;

We are delegating to the Site in order to get it’s data, obeying Demeter. This is a common pattern and just looks a lot more friendly in a language like Ruby:

class Story
  def site_name
  def site_code
class Site
  attr_reader :name, :code