I have many groups and each group has one timetable and I wish to retrieve the timetable for a particular group and have a method called get_timetable_for_group, then where should this method go to? Inside the groupscontroller or the timetablescontroller as get_timetable_for_group is a complex method.
Currently I use this in my routes.rb
resources :groups do
resource :timetable
collection do
get 'get_group_code'
get 'get_group_name'
get 'find_by_name'
so should I add get 'find_timetable" also inside collection? And have a method inside groupscontroller as
How does your Group model know about it’s Timetable? Is this a Rails has_one relationship?
On which page/action do you need to display the timetable for the group?
If I understand what you are doing, then I think having a TimetablesController#show action which retrieves the one timetable you want to display on the page makes sense.
If the logic for retrieving a Group’s timetable is complex, I’d put that method on Group itself, and have the controller get the right timetable by asking the group instance for it.
Yes there many groups and each group has only one timetable.
One the users page there are many groups. He can click on any group which then retrieves the timetable of that group and displays the timetable on that page itself using ajax.
Also each timetable itself has many timetable_entries. And each timetable_entry has reference to a particular subject,teacher created on the group which makes the logic complex because I have to send back a json of the timetable
And where does the return json logic go to? because timetable itself has many other classes.
Each timetable basically has many teachers, many subjects, many rooms allocated. Each timetable has many timetable_entries. Each timetable_entry has only one teacher,one subject, one room. So for creating the json I have to first gather all the timetable_entries for the timetable based on the id of the timetable, get to the timetable_entry, find the teacher, subject room for that entry. Do this for each timetable_entry, gather them up and send back a json.
Does it make sense to move the has_many teachers to the group model.
but currently I am getting issue in the bullet gem
N+1 Query detected
TimetableEntry => [:class_timing]
Add to your finder: :include => [:class_timing].
I do timetable.timetable_entries. So should this become timetable.timetable_entries.include(:class_timing)
Yeah. I have redefined the get_timetable_for_group method with the show method. And now access this method using groups/:id/timetable.json call. Also for creating a new timetable I do a post to /groups/:id/timetable.
But for each group created I am generating a unique group code based on earlier created groups which is now a 6 digit word which I am generating when the group gets created. And I am using this group_code instead of the group_id for each behaviour. Or you can say my group_code is used as a primary key here though I havent defined it as a primary key on the database.
So the issue is when I am inside my def show method I have to use
group_code = params[:group_id] and then do
group = Group.find_by_group_code(group_code).
How can I change so that a symbol group_code is displayed inside my params instead of group_id
Also below is my code for the def show method and I could not understand how to use to_json for this.
def show
p params
group = params[“group_id”]
p group
group = Group.find_by_group_code(group)
time = group.timetable
weekdays =
batches =
field_entries =
field_entry = {}
field_entry[“name”] = “”
field_entry[“values”] =
if time
fields = time.fields
f =
entries_array =
fields.each do |field|
f.push(Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
self.table_name = field.name
#belongs_to :timetable_entry
entries = time.timetable_entries.includes(:class_timing).includes(:weekday).includes(:small_group)
entries.sort{ |a, b|
a.class_timing <=> b.class_timing
check = []
i = 0
p entries.length
while i < entries.length
e = []
#fir st sort the elements baed on the classtimings only. and then group basd on them and then do the below sorting
#each element has not been met with the condition so found = false. and when the condition meets we have found a match and we add the element t an array that met the condn.
# but we dont add the parent element
found = false
entry = entries[i]
a = entry
j = i
while j < entries.length
b = entries[j]
if a.weekday == b.weekday and a.class_timing == b.class_timing && a.small_group != b.small_group
found = true
entry_hash = {}
entry_hash["weekday"] = b.weekday.name
weekdays << b.weekday.name
f.each do |field|
d = field.where("P_Id" => b.id)
entry_hash[field.table_name] = d.first.name if d.length > 0
field_entry = {}
field_entry["name"] = field.table_name
field_entry["values"] = field.uniq.pluck(:name)
field_entries << field_entry
entry_hash["batch"] = b.small_group.name
batches << b.small_group.name
entry_hash["to_hours"] = b.class_timing.to_hours
entry_hash["to_minutes"] = b.class_timing.to_minutes
entry_hash["from_minutes"] = b.class_timing.from_minutes
entry_hash["from_hours"] = b.class_timing.from_hours
e << entry_hash
check << entry_hash
j = j + 1
#agar ek baar bhi true hua toh element ko array me daaldo. aur agar found nahi mila toh usey seedhe parent array me daalo
if found
entry_hash = {}
entry_hash["weekday"] = a.weekday.name
weekdays << a.weekday.name
f.each do |field|
d = field.where("P_Id" => a.id)
entry_hash[field.table_name] = d.first.name if d.length > 0
field_entry = {}
field_entry["name"] = field.table_name
field_entry["values"] = field.uniq.pluck(:name)
field_entries << field_entry
entry_hash["batch"] = a.small_group.name
batches << a.small_group.name
entry_hash["to_hours"] = a.class_timing.to_hours
entry_hash["to_minutes"] = a.class_timing.to_minutes
entry_hash["from_minutes"] = a.class_timing.from_minutes
entry_hash["from_hours"] = a.class_timing.from_hours
e << entry_hash
check << entry_hash
#p e
entries_array << e
#p entries_array
entry_hash = {}
entry_hash["weekday"] = a.weekday.name
weekdays << a.weekday.name
f.each do |field|
d = field.where("P_Id" => a.id)
entry_hash[field.table_name] = d.first.name if d.length > 0
field_entry = {}
field_entry["name"] = field.table_name
field_entry["values"] = field.uniq.pluck(:name)
field_entries << field_entry
entry_hash["batch"] = a.small_group.name
batches << a.small_group.name
entry_hash["to_hours"] = a.class_timing.to_hours
entry_hash["to_minutes"] = a.class_timing.to_minutes
entry_hash["from_minutes"] = a.class_timing.from_minutes
entry_hash["from_hours"] = a.class_timing.from_hours
#p e
#p entry_hash
#p check
if check.include?(entry_hash)
e << entry_hash
#p entries_array
entries_array << e
i = i + 1
#now group all the entries with same class_timings together and put them in the array
#find the first element of this array and then compare it to the i + 1 element ka first array
# compare the class_timings of both these elements. if they are same then put them in a same array
p entries_array
i = 0
while i < entries_array.length
#loop thru each element
a = entries_array[i]
#p entries_array
p a
first_element_a = a[0]
arr = []
isFound = true
j = i + 1
p i
p j
p entries_array.length
while isFound && j < entries_array.length
p j
b = entries_array[j]
#p a
#p b
first_element_b = b[0]
if first_element_a["to_hours"] == first_element_b["to_hours"] && first_element_a["to_minutes"] == first_element_b["to_minutes"] && first_element_a["from_minutes"] == first_element_b["from_minutes"] && first_element_a["from_hours"] == first_element_b["from_hours"]
p arr
p entries_array
#j = j - 1
p entries_array
p arr
#entries_array[i] = arr
p entries_array
i = i + 1
isFound = false
if j == entries_array.length
p arr
entries_array[i] = arr
p entries_array
timetable_hash = {}
entries_hash = {}
entries_hash["group_code"] = group.group_code
entries_hash["field_entries"] = field_entries.uniq
entries_hash["entries"] = entries_array
entries_hash["weekdays"] = weekdays.uniq
entries_hash["batches"] = batches.uniq.compact
timetable_hash["timetable"] = entries_hash
p timetable_hash
@timetable = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(timetable_hash)
render :json => @timetable
timetable_hash = {}
entries_hash = {}
entries_hash["group_code"] = group.group_code
entries_hash["field_entries"] = []
entries_hash["entries"] = []
entries_hash["weekdays"] = []
entries_hash["batches"] = []
timetable_hash["timetable"] = entries_hash
p timetable_hash
@timetable = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(timetable_hash)
render :json => @timetable