New trail: Ruby Challenges

I have a question about the first sudoku challenge on the ruby trail.

There is a test for invalid sudoku challenges, and since this came baked into the project files I don’t think we should alter it much. But how is the Validator class supposed to know, and why should it know, the name of the file? The expected error message from the Validator class is expected to give that, but all that is supplied to the Validator class is a string.

What am I missing?

EDIT: Ben replied to me and pointed out that there is no expectation of the kind I described; it is the error message that follows the failed expectation, not the expectation itself. my bad.

context "when the sudoku is invalid" do
    invalid_fixtures = ["spec/fixtures/invalid_due_to_row_dupe.sudoku",

    invalid_fixtures.each do |fixture|
      it "returns a string saying so" do
        result = Validator.validate(

          eq("This sudoku is invalid."),
          "Expected #{fixture} to be invalid but it wasn't."