I think I solved the issue. The matchHeight.js jQuery plugin seems to conflict with the Bourbon @clearfix mixin. I removed the mixin from the div’s where I had the overflow issue, and now the overflow issue seems fixed.
Still having the overflow issue, seems like a tough one : (
For a moment I thought it was caused by Typekit webfont, so I installed the asynchronous load script (the ‘advanced script’), but that doesn’t seems to fix the overflow issue either.
The though part is that the issue hard to reproduce, because when the page is refreshed, the issue is gone.
@acandael_acanda, I would only match heights if your boxes are alongside each other. For our company’s app, we implement that behavior with jQuery.equalHeights (be careful, as there are several plugins/forks with the same name), and we only execute equalheights if the window is narrower than a certain width.
You may have to bind a function to the window resize event if you think your users might resize their window.
here the value for the data-mh attribute is totally arbitrary, you can call it whatever you want. The matchHeight plugin will set equal heights for all elements with the same data-mh attribute value.
I am know again calling the mathHeight function from within a script on my page, and the overflow issue seems gone.
It would be of help, if you could test it yourself and check that the overflow issue is gone on: