Avoid instantiating more than one object in controllers. Example?
Avoid naming methods after database columns in the same class. What about the case you want to do something when the database column is being set?
Don’t reference a model class directly from a view. Explain please. Classes not instances, right?
Don’t use instance variables in partials. Pass local variables to partials from view templates. Always? What about the case of simply avoiding the a call to the same path helper multiple times?
Don’t use SQL or SQL fragments (where(‘inviter_id IS NOT NULL’)) outside of models. What about the case of breaking up a model into smaller classes, maybe creating method objects?
Use only one instance variable in each view. Always? Is this suggesting anything more than a trivial view always have some presenter object?
Use _url suffixes for named routes in mailer views and redirects. Use _path suffixes for named routes everywhere else. Is it necessary to fix cases where I used _path for redirects? Why doesn’t (or does) the rails method redirect_to correct a path to a url?
Validate the associated belongs_to object (user), not the database column (user_id). Example?
Use a Fake to stub requests to external services. Always? Why not stubs & spies for simple cases?
Avoid multicolumn indexes in Postgres. It combines multiple indexes efficiently. Optimize later with a compound index if needed. Except when a unique multi-column index is needed!
Use CoffeeScript. How about for js.erb files? Use coffee.erb files?
Hello @Justin_Gordon. Here are my answers to some of the questions.
class IndexPagesController < ApplicationController
include ApplicationHelper
def show
@index_page = IndexPage.new
class IndexPage
def random_issues
def categories
def statistics
So instead of initializing @random_issues, @categories and @statistic I initialize just @index_page which contains what I need. This is real world example from https://github.com/mrhead/seriemato.sk/.
Same as above. In my view I use just @index_page.
Coffee alternative for js.erb is js.coffee. Such a file will be processed with erb, then with coffee and served as js. I agree that it is misleading and it should be something like action.js.coffee.erb.
class Article
belongs_to :user
validates :user, presence: true
# instead of
# validates :user_id, presence: true
@Justin_Gordon, you validate the user rather than the user_id because that tells Rails to confirm that there is an actual user associated with the record, and not just a random integer inserted into the user_id column.