Test Doubles - Verifying Expectations with Spies

This topic is for the [Verifying Expectations with Spies] exercise in the [Test Doubles] trail. Post any questions, corrections, or pointers you have to share with other Upcase subscribers.
[Verifying Expectations with Spies]: https://exercises.upcase.com/exercises/verifying-expectations-with-spies
[Test Doubles]: Test Doubles | RSpec Stub Online Tutorial by thoughtbot

I don’t understand why on the methods spy_on_user and spy_on_account there isn’t an .with() to specify the attributes for each method being stubbed out, like:

def spy_on_user(user = double("user"))
  account = "test"
  email = "test@example.com"
  allow(User).to receive(:create!).with(account: account, email: email).and_return(user)

When is it “okay” to omit the attributes like that? Or to not take the arguments being passed in to the method being stubbed out into consideration?
I’m thinking it might be because the spy is already asserting/verifying that, so it would be kinda like saying the same thing twice?