Unable to find error to get app to work after moving code into module

And the file uploader for this forum isn’t working for me, either so I can’t even upload my screenshot of the error. (This pertains to Part 3 at the end where Matt moves code into a Module). I can’t get it to work for me. Could somebody help me please? Here is the link to my gist file of the code.

I’m not quite sure what the problem is you’re getting, but I think I see a problem.
ActiveSupport::Concerns should be ActiveSupport::Concern, no ‘s’ on the end.

Also, I assume by the title that the you have gistfile1.txt saved as app/models/concerns/following.rb? If not that’s where you would want to save it.

I hope this helps :smiley:

Yes, it is saved as app/models/concerns/following.rb. And I did whack off the “s” on ActiveSupport::Concern, but the app still won’t work for me. When I go to logout or click on a user to follow, it won’t work for me. So I am stuck and unable to progress any further in this and time is ticking away on the 3-mo paid subscription that a friend paid for for me as a Xmas gift—to help me as an extremely poor sex trafficking survivor to learn a difficult new skill so I can maybe rebuild what’s left of my stolen life.

Here is the error I get at the end of Part 3 for the refactoring and adding the concern module:

ArgumentError in HomeController#show

wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Rails.root: /home/jacqueline/thoughtbot/shouter

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/models/dashboard.rb:2:in initialize' app/controllers/home_controller.rb:4:in new’
app/controllers/home_controller.rb:4:in `show’

Here is the lnk to my git repo:

I believe the error is saying that you need to pass params to your new dashboard instance

EDIT: Yeah your Dashboard class requires a user

I tried that but it still isn’t working CORRECTLY for me. So I took it back out. I tried @dashboard = Dashboard.new(user) and @dashboard = Dashboard.new(@user) and still won’t work right for me.

OK. I finally was able to get this to work after conferring with my friend and former Rails Girls Summer of Code coach. I tried passing in the params, current_user, as such:

@dashboard = Dashboard.new(current_user)

And now it works! And the reason it works is becuase current_user is what was passed in the dashboards controller; only the current useer would see his/her dashboard. So this makes sense.