November 20, 2013, 3:47pm
Right now for my user model I have separate forms with separate actions to update different properties.
For example, a form to change username and a form to change password.
I have them go to different non-restful actions.
Should I just be using a single user update action with just different fields exposed in each form?
(Ben Orenstein)
November 20, 2013, 6:08pm
Yep. I’d want to have one User#update
action that could handle all User-related updates.
November 20, 2013, 6:45pm
Thanks that is what I figured.
What about handling success and failure messages/actions differently for different forms? Do I do this via rendering different views?
(Ben Orenstein)
November 20, 2013, 9:19pm
If you only need to change the text that’s displayed, you can just set the flash correctly in the controller.
The controller action can tell what the user is doing (changing password, updating their email) by the params they send, so you can choose the appropriate message if they’ve done something incorrectly.
November 21, 2013, 5:25pm
What if the forms are being submitted via ajax and there are different dom manipulations happening after successfully submitting the form?
Then do I want to use different js view files?