Using an aliased column in a where clause?

A PostgreSQL/Activerecord question!!
I’m trying to get all contacts for whom their most recent email has a direction of “incoming”. It seems simple but I can’t seem to figure it out yet! Any help would be appreciated.

Contacts have many Emails, Emails belong to a Contact. Emails have an attribute (direction) that say whether they are “incoming” or “outgoing” messages.

So far the closest I’ve gotten is something like this…

Contact.joins(emails).select( max(emails.created_at) as newest_email )

But i have no way of knowing whether that newest_email’s direction.
I need something that’s basically like this (i know this is not correct code, but this is where my thinking is at):

Contact.joins(emails).select( max(emails.created_at) as newest_email).where(newest_email.direction == “incoming”)

Let me know if I’m approaching this all wrong…

So this is a tricky SQL problem in general. Unfortunately, there’s not really a good way to do that query without resorting to subqueries or other extremely slow and messy solutions. If possible, this is a great place to consider denormalization. Have you considered adding a newest_email_id column to Contact, with the following code?

class Contact
  belongs_to :newest_email, class_name: 'Email'

class Email
  after_create :set_newest_email_on_contact


  def set_newest_email_on_contact
    contact.update_attributes(newest_email: self)

That code assumes that an email knows its contact when it’s created, and that its contact never changes. If those statements aren’t the case, you could also do something a bit more complex.

class Email
  after_save :set_newest_email_on_contact


  def set_newest_email_on_contact
    unless contact.emails.any? { |email| email.created_at > created_at }
      contact.update_attributes(newest_email: self)

With the data denormalized, your query looks like this:

Contact.joins(:newest_email).where(newest_email: { direction: :incoming })

This is one hell of an answer! Thanks so much @seangriffin. Its great to know I wasn’t just banging my head for no reason on this. Really appreciate it!!

Any time. :smile: