Back when the earth was young, I wrote a little app for my brother-in-law to run his in-home tutoring business. It was my first “real” rails app. Written in Rails 1.2. Zero tests. I just looked at the routes.rb file and it is empty, nearly. It’s like I just treated the framework as a convenient safety net instead of a Good Idea. For example, in some of my controllers I have a “list” method that for some reason replaces the index method.
Did I mention there are no tests. Oh yeah: no migrations. I just changed the database by hand and copied it around. Goodness me. The only good thing that I could possibly say about this app is that I can say “I’ve been a Rails developer for 8 years” and it would technically be true, although my current skillset would probably quickly expose me. ha ha
Miraculously, this app has chugged along since 2006, or 2007, when I handed it over to him. About 50 or 60 people use it every week and it handles payroll, and pairing up the tutors and clients.
So, I’m not proud of it, but I can’t forget about it, unfortunately, because people still use it, and my brother in law depends on it.
The problem right now is that emails are not reaching their targets, especially the tutors who need to be notified of potential clients. I use sendgrid, and if anyone has any pointers to troubleshoot this issue, I would appreciate a tip.
Additionally, I want to use Twilio to send a text to tutors when they need to be notified of client opportunities.
So here is my question: I was thinking of just making a pretty thin heroku app to access the legacy database every ten minutes or so with a scheduled rake task and send out the appropriate SMS messages to the tutors based on the information in the database. So my Twilio SMS sender would really have no database except the legacy one in use by the old rails app.
OR I was thinking of regularly copying information to my Twilio heroku app and working with it there. But I don’t like having two versions the same information in two databases.
I also need to background the sending of emails, which is another thing I want to offload to this new heroku rails app that interacts with the legacy database. I’m not even sure I could get any background processing working with rails 1.2 and Ruby 1.8.7, and I’m not eager to try.
Sorry for the wall of text, but I value highly this community’s opinion and approach and thought I would see if anyone has anything to warn me about or nudge me towards.