Error while trying to use capybara-webkit gem

An error occurred while installing capybara-webkit (1.0.0), and Bundler cannot
Make sure that `gem install capybara-webkit -v '1.0.0'` succeeds before

How do I solve this? I have installed qt via brew.

I would try installing qt4 from source rather than use brew.

Check this link: Installing Qt and compiling capybara webkit · thoughtbot/capybara-webkit Wiki · GitHub

I am on Mac OS 8. Installed XQuartz. Logged in again and did bundle install but still getting the same error.

Switched to ubuntu and this works there. But has_css was working without the web-driver but after using the web-driver I get the error that the expectation failed.

If you’re having issues with a gem like this, you should open an issue on Github.