Mavericks! (and capybara-webkit)

Thoughtboters and Thoughtbotees,

When Mountain Lion came out, @sikachu wrote a nice run-down of what you needed to do to get your dev box to be running smoothly post-upgrade. I have already worked through a couple issues, the most important of which being doing this to fix Homebrew:

  1. Upgrade XCode
  2. Run xcode-select --install to update command line tools for XCode

My box seems to be running fine after doing some limited spec runs on a few of my clients’ apps. However, I noticed that apps using capybara-webkit for integration testing are pumping out this warning:

2013-10-23 08:40:56.781 webkit_server[1970:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Arial" and got font with PostScript name "ArialMT". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API.

This message doesn’t impact my tests other than that it clutters up the output quite a bit. I found some references to this warning on the phantomjs Github project, a blog (Fixing Qt 4 for Mac OS X 10.9 | Successful Software), and StackOverflow, but nothing directly related to capybara-webkit. It looks like this issue is going to have to be fixed in QT, but do any capybara-webkit experts know if there’s an easy way to suppress those warnings?

If anyone in the Learn community found solutions to other Mavericks upgrade issues, I would also be interested in seeing those too.


Looks like it’s not just you. Someone reported the same thing here: webkit_server[71484:507] CoreText performance note: Client called CTFontCreateWithName() using name "Arial" and got font with PostScript name "ArialMT". For best performance, only use PostScript names when calling this API. · Issue #581 · thoughtbot/capybara-webkit · GitHub.

That issue is probably a good place to watch for it to be fixed (or mitigation advice).

@geoffharcourt, I added a note to that issue thread with a workaround.

@derekprior, thanks! That’s a great, easy, and (it looks like) safe way to suppress only some warnings.

@benorenstein, thanks for pointing out the issue on GH.