Good news: Got my first job as a backend developer

Got my first job as a backend developer on Ruby on Rails. Thanks to all the teachers, mentors and campers. I would have never expected this to happen so soon if I had not joined this program.

Thanks to @benorenstein, @cpytel, @christoomey, @halogenandtoast, @georgebrock, @scott, @dolphorama, @jsteiner and everyone for the workshops.



Thanks Chad :slight_smile:


Thanks Scott :smile:

Congratulations :smile:

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Big Congrats!

Thanks Will :slight_smile:

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Awesome, Charlieannaā€¦Congratulations!

Thanks JESii. I was just searching for you on twitter but could not.

Iā€™m JESii7 on Twitter and Skype :slight_smile:

Congratulations, @charlieanna!

Thanks Pedroā€¦