I followed the walk-through at: Styling a Middleman Blog with Bourbon, Neat, and Bitters. However, I started it from a Suspenders app. So I ran middleman init from the root folder of my Suspenders app creating the my_blog folder.
The middleman blog works fine and if I cd my_blog then bundle exec middleman I can see the blog at localhost:4567.
The Suspenders app also works fine and I can see that content also.
However, I am not sure how to render my blog content in the Suspenders app. My goal is to include a blog in a larger site. How do get the middleman blog to render? Also, is this a good approach or is there a better way to setup this site?
Thanks for sharing. That is a good reference. Your site does not have the same setup mine does though. I have the middleman blog in a Suspenders app. If you can take a look, my folder structure is here:
Putting the middle man application inside of a Rails application (which is what suspenders is) is not a typical setup, but is possible by mounting the middleman application as a Rack app within the Rails app.
You could also generate your middleman static content into the public directory of the rails app.
You can read about this here:
I recommend you consider hosting the middleman application on a separate application on a sub domain from your domain. So for exemplar, if your rails application will be hosted at example.com, your blog would be blog.example.com
You could also consider not using middleman but use a blogging Rails engine, which is intended to be used the way you’re trying to do it.
I hope that helps, let me know of anything is not clear,