The Weekly Iteration 3

I love the weekly iteration videos, the quality is amazing and I learn a lot.

There should probably be a category “The Weekly Iteration”

A much more powerful tool than cdpath is fasd. There is a oh-my-zsh plugin for it ohmyzsh/fasd.plugin.zsh at master · ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh · GitHub and prezto also has one. Lets say I have a directory. /code/android/android-studio/sdk/platform-tools

I can type j pla which will cd me into that directory.
It also works for files, for example I have a file /code/ruby/pickaxe/stock_stats/book_in_stock.rb
Type v boo and it will open it up in vim.

Concerning the vim part of the video, I would love if you used a tool that shows which keys are being pressed.

For documentation there is a great vim plugin GitHub - keith/investigate.vim: A Vim plugin for looking up documentation that opens up documentation in dash or in browser.

If you are on Linux there is a less sexy version of dash and instead of alfred you can use Synapse.

Fish shell is amazing, but it will still be some time before the community embraces it and tools like rbenv/chruby come with support for it out of the box.

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Nice links!

I hadn’t heard about investigate.vim. I’ll have to check it out.