Thoughtbot approach on pricing projects

Hello Thoughtbot,

I have a question related on how to guys handle projects pricing (for example, a client that wants to develop an app).

Right now what I do is to estimate how much it will take and give a price for the amount of time it will take (I add a few extra weeks in case we need them), but I also tell them that this is an estimate and changes to the scope or if we find huge blockers through the project will affect the price.

What are your suggestions on this?


Hi Orlando, we have a whole section of the playbook dedicated to sales that can give you a sense as to how we approach it. Of note, we avoid fixed bids, instead opting to work with clients to define rough project requirements and timeline / budget estimates. Specifically I’d check out our section on No Fixed Bids.

You’re rough summary of how you tend to reply sounds very similar to our approach. The one additional thing I’ll highlight is the need to consistently revisit the progress relative to expectations, timelines, and budget. Typically we do this as part of our weekly retro and planning meeting.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks for replying Chris, I’ll check both links :muscle:
