Weekly Iteration Request: All about Rails API only Apps


I’m noticing I’m getting into a trend of building backend api-only rails apps with ember or other JS framework driving frontends. I was wondering if thoughtbot was developing it’s own internal best practices or playbook for these sorts of projects. In particular, how you guys go about testing your APIs and front ends and keeping API examples in sync? Do you share json response fixtures between apps? Do you have a preference for how your serializing JSON data (jbuilder, PORO serializers)? Do you have any “wish I’d done/known this sooner” thoughts?

I thought this might be a good weekly iteration or bike shed conversation.




Hi Mario, thanks for the suggestion. we’ve been thinking about some content in that realm for a bit, although not sure what specific form it will take (weekly iteration episode, trail, etc) or when we’ll get to it.

In the meantime, I can point you to a few resources that we do have in the broader thoughtbot world:


Thanks! I wasn’t familiar with thejson_matchers_gem, thats great!