Wisper gem

Just wondering if anyone else is making use of the Wisper gem for a Rails app? GitHub - krisleech/wisper: A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities

It’s a library for the publish-subscribe pattern. In some ways it’s a replacement for Rails Observers, but with more fine-grained control.

Obie Fernandez (author of The Rails Way) spoke about it recently: The Wisper Gem (with why John Saddington's talk was great) - Obie Fernandez - ATLRUG - 2014 - YouTube

It seems like a nice approach for keeping models free of the tasks which often end up in after_create/after_save callbacks.

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It’s definitely on my list of things to try next time I need pubsub. It would be a nice way to implement hexagonal rails apps too I think

I wonder if it makes sense here? Search · after_save · GitHub

I’d definitely say so! Though I wonder what a Wisper implementation might look like.