Question re: Paperclip + Delayed_job


I have a project where I import a csv. One of the columns in the CSV is a remote_image_url.
When a user imports the CSV, I want to fetch all the remote images and add them to our project.

In my model I have the following. (view full model on gist)

  def self.import(file)      
    CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|      
      Deal.delay.create! row.to_hash

  def image_remote_url=(url_value)
    self.image = URI.parse(url_value)
    @image_remote_url = url_value

If I remove delay from Deal.create!, it works fine. However when I run it with the delayed_job, it does properly extract the image filename and put it in the correct paperclip column, but it does not actually perform the upload.

Iā€™m confused as to where to add instructions to make this work properly.

bump please

Iā€™ve just built a quick Rails app to try to duplicate your problem, but everything worked fine for me (hereā€™s my minimal model). I was using Paperclip 3.4.2 with the default filesystem storage backend and Delayed::Job 3.0.5.

What Paperclip storage backend are you using?

Also, have you tried running an isolated test that only sets an image_remote_url and does nothing else? Something like this:

rails runner 'Deal.delay.create! image_remote_url: ""'
rake jobs:workoff
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Thanks for the reply George! Sorry I didnā€™t get a notification, didnā€™t realize you replied.

Miraculously, when I tried this again, it worked. Iā€™m not sure what was causing my problem but the code I shared seems to work fine now.

Thanks again for the assist.
