Testing Fundamentals - Passing Your First Test

This topic is for the [Passing Your First Test] exercise in the [Testing Fundamentals] trail. Post any questions, corrections, or pointers you have to share with other Upcase subscribers.
[Passing Your First Test]: https://exercises.upcase.com/exercises/testing-fundamentals-passing-your-first-test
[Testing Fundamentals]: Introduction to Ruby Tests | Learn RSpec | Testing Fundamentals

I’m really stuck)

never mind, it finally somehow gets work.

How do I get the blue dot on the trail track to turn green so I can track progress? some lessons have the ability to mark as complete but others don’t… thoughts? help? Thank you in advance for any and all of the previously mentioned!

Hi, trying to work through this exercise but the link in the set-up script is giving me a 404 error :slightly_frowning_face:

I changed my .ruby-version file to 3.1.2 and ran ‘bundle’ and then ‘rspec’ to test.

I also modified the class Person initialize method from
def initialize(first_name:, last_name:) to
def initialize(first_name, last_name)

and the person_spec.rb file:
from describe “#full_name” do to:
describe “full_name method” do