Wrapper class to avoid working with horrendous API directly

I’m working with a Thrift based ruby API that is essentially compiled Ruby code. I don’t think compilers adhere to single responsibility principle or developer happiness and as a result the core set of useful operations I need to work with are housed in a beastly 6k line class that basically serves as the public facing API. It’s rather cumbersome to work with to say the least, so I’m building a set of wrapper classes to logically seperate the various data types and take care of a lot of the heavy lifting I would have to do and that looks something like this:

# the third party API
class Client
  def say_foo; end
  def say_bar; end

# my singleton class which serves as the main wrapper for the third party API 
class ClientWrapper
  def client
    @client  ||= build_client

  def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
    @client.send(method_name, *args, &block)

# houses all the foo related logic
class Foo
  def say_foo
    # boiler plate

# house all the bar related logic
class Bar
  def say_bar
    # boiler plate

Needless to say this example has been simplified, but that’s more or less the basic idea. Now anytime I wan’t to do some Foo operations it’s as easy as Foo.say_foo, as opposed to the crazy amounts of boiler plate and repeated code (which I omit above where the comments are) that I would have to deal with if I was working directly with the third party API.

I’m a bit conflicted however, as I have calls to ClientWrapper littered throughout my Foo and Bar classes and the only purpose these classes really serve is to dry up my code a bit and keep me sane. Would anybody care to comment on this solution? Is it legitimate use of ruby classes or just pure laziness? I feel as if I should be entitled to some free passes on things like LoD and feature envy when designing a wrapper interface like this simply for the sake of convenience, but perhaps I’m mistaken?