Contributing To Open Source, Step-By-Step

In this episode, Ben and Joe extract a matcher written in a project and create a pull request to include it in shoulda-matchers. Check out the pull request
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

We have two sections in our Open Source Protocol:

  • Accepting a GitHub Pull Request
  • Releasing a Ruby Gem

Hey guys, I’ve noticed Joe’s tests are running on his split pane rather than on top of the vim pane – How do you manage to do that? vim-rspec outputs the results of my tests on top of vim, if using dispatch then they are output to the quick fix window.

You can do this with tmux and slime, which can execute the tests in a tmux split other than your current window. Joe doesn’t use tmux, so I suspect this is the output of using Macvim and a vim-rspec custom runner.

Thanks geoff, you are right, Joe is using an iTerm split.

There are a quite a few forks of tslime around so I ended up replacing dispatch+vim-rspec with vimux and a couple of custom functions.