I have spent more time than I would like to admit researching this very subject. Here are a few additional resources you may find useful:
Build APIs You Won’t Hate
Great book, covers common API related topics. Most examples are in PHP but with some Google Fu you can find relevant Ruby examples.
APIs on Rails
Another great book on the subject, specific to Rails, but I found it to be too opinionated as I was looking for more of a pros / cons write up of API development. Still worth a read.
A specification for writing APIs in JSON. Checkout the implementations page for links.
jsonapi-resources seems to be the leading Rails implementation of the specification, although others exist. Has a demo app linked to in the readme.
I also have the iOS on Rails thoughtbot book and found it to be lacking. It was a great intro to API and iOS development but it glossed over some of the most difficult API topics.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely. Will it be the only resource you need to pickup API skills, no.
The rest of my API knowledge comes from reading code and Github issues.
Checkout rails-api, keep in mind it will be obsolete come Rails 5.
jsonapi-resources has some good conversations going on.
http://discuss.jsonapi.org/ is a good place to ask some questions. They are trying to get more people involved on their forums.
Versionist is a great gem to read through. Possibly even a great gem to use on your project.