I noticed that the Work Shop Best Practices for Front End Development was removed. What’s the reason for this.
I subscribed to Thoughtbot Prime especially for this workshop, because as a developer, I would like to make my applications look nice. I was looking forward to the video tutorials for this workshop.
We removed the reference to the Front-End Workshop because we decided we’d rather just announce things when they’re ready to ship.
Unfortunately, that particular workshop is in a holding pattern right now. There were some issues in the first iteration that we ran that we want to resolve, and it’s likely that we won’t have a final product in the near term.
I understand that’s disappointing. If you feel that you didn’t get good value from your subscription without that workshop, please email us at learn@thoughtbot.com and we’ll refund you.
I really hope eventually there will be video tutorials on the ‘Best practices for front end development’, because Neat and Bourbon are awesome tools, but documentation on how to use them is scarce.
I would love to see, hear things like how to set up and organize a website project using Neat and Bourbon, refactoring your style definitions, implement responsive navigation menu’s, images, etc …
@benorenstein, what were the issues you found in the first iteration? I could quibble with a few things but I found it largely good. When you say you won’t release it in the near term - does that mean you will release it in the long term or you don’t know yet? I learned a bunch of useful things in that workshop myself…
@benorenstein It was certainly very different from some of the other learn workshops I’ve taken and I guess it was a little disorganized, but I really liked it. What I really enjoyed about the workshop was seeing the real time interaction between the two designers. It gave me a good feel for how a pair would work in a real agile environment.
So while part of me would have liked a more structured tutorial on how to use bourbon and neat, I feel like I got a lot out of the workshop and found myself drawn to practicing what I learned more than I might have in a more traditional workshop.
One thing I really like about the workshops offered through learn is the wide varieties in styles. I like that the workshops take on the personalities of the teachers.
I was also interested on this workshop. Many developers (as myself) appreciate advice about front-end good practices like code organization, CSS structure, workflow and process from experienced designers.
Tutorials on Bourbon and Neat would be great, though you might prefer to publish them in the open so it can benefit the open-source projects in terms of documentation and adoption.
I always enjoy this kind of stuff. A periodical video series where two designers pair on a scoped problem would be awesome.
I too found the workshop a bit disorganized, but still I learned a lot of it. In fact right after it I build two websites using Neat and Bourbon. And they have become my prefered tools for building responsive websites.
I was looking out for the video tutorials of the Best Practices for Front End Development workshop, because there are technical specs about Neat and Bourbon (http://neat.bourbon.io/ and http://bourbon.io/ ), but there are few hands-on tutorials and demo’s.
I build my first websites with Neat and Bourbon by looking into the example website of the workshop (Ralph’s Coffee).
Hi @benorenstein, On a related note, I can’t seem to locate a list of workshops that are scheduled/planned. I am a prime/workshops subscriber, and have taken many of the workshops that were offered, so it would be great to know what if any others are in the pipeline. In particular, there was an iOS workshop listed at one point. Thanks.
I finally took Ben’s advice to heart and started to write a blog.
So far it was mainly about Bourbon — a detailed look at mixins and functions with a couple of examples.
That’s true, and intentional. We decided we’d rather just announce something when it’s actually ready, instead of putting teaser content on the dashboard.
That said, I totally hear your point about deciding to stay subscribed or not based on what’s in the pipeline. I’ll chat with the team about how we might solve this.